Terms and Conditions

1. No persons under the age of 18 are permitted to attend any events with Lost Souls UK, unless 16 and over and accompanied by an appropriate adult.

2. Several locations are not suitable for clients with disabilities. At Lost Souls UK we value all our clients and aim to make as many of our events as accessible as possible but unfortunately due to the conditions of some of the buildings this is not always feasible and we have to ensure that safety is paramount. If you would like any additional information regarding our locations please call us on 07845635020 / 07463806758.

3. Due to restrictions at our locations heavily pregnant women are not allowed on any of our events. Please drop us a message or give us a call for more information.

4. Each client will act in a responsible manner and respect the needs of others. You will not cause harm or injury to anyone else or put yourself or anyone else in danger. You will respect the nature of the event and behave accordingly. When leaving the event you will ensure that due to the lateness of the hour you will respect the needs of nearby residents by leaving quietly and quickly.

5. Absolutely no alcohol or drugs are permitted on any event with Lost Souls UK. If anyone appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs and/or is suspected of bringing either alcohol or drugs to the event they will be asked to leave immediately and will not be refunded for any part of monies paid for the event. The staff at Lost Souls UK will use their own discretion and have the ultimate decision to evict anyone whom they consider to be behaving in an inappropriate manner due to alcohol or drugs. - The only exception to this will be on our ghost suppers where a limited amount of alcohol will be served.

6. There are strict laws on smoking indoors and Lost Souls UK do not allow anyone to smoke or to bring any naked flames to the events. There will designated smoking areas. This includes candles and matches. Our team will not be using candles for experimental purposes due to the safety hazards.

7. Unless otherwise stated there are no sleeping facilities at our events. We suggest that you bring a comfortable cushion to sit on whilst carrying out vigils or taking breaks.

8. Lost Souls UK will not be liable for any damage or loss to property and personal equipment either on the journey to the event, during the event and on the journey back home from the event. This includes any damage that may be caused by any spiritual or poltergeist activity during the event.

9. It is important that each client is aware that they attend the events at their own risk. Lost Souls UK accept no liability for any accident/incident/injury to a client however it may be caused. Lost Souls UK attempts to foresee any potential problems or hazards in order eliminate them before the event. However, due to the nature of the events and locations accidents can still happen. We encourage all our clients to have their own third party public liability insurance. Although Lost Souls UK has its own public liability insurance some of our policies may not be covered due to the fact that some of the location boundaries are beyond the normal public access categories.

10. By accepting and agreeing with these terms and conditions you are further indemnifying the promoters/organisers/individuals from and against all legal liability in respect of any claims, damages, costs, penalties, actions, demands, proceedings, any kind of legal suits, losses or expenses amounted in respect of or arising out of the injury to or the death of any person, or persons, or damage to any property arising from the clients participation and involvement in the event or activity or premises pertaining to the event.

11. Lost Souls UK accepts no responsibility for any clothing, equipment, damage to vehicles, parking fines, clamping of vehicles. All property and effects belonging to you are your responsibility and we would urge you to protect your property and keep all said articles safe whilst attending the event.

12. There are occasions when events are cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of Lost Souls UK. If these events are cancelled then you will be given a full refund of monies paid for the said event. However, if the event is rescheduled Lost Souls UK may set limitations on any refunds requested. We will endeavour to ensure that every client is made aware of a cancelled event as soon as possible. However, if this has not been possible, Lost Souls UK will not refund any expenses incurred due to the cancellation of an event, this includes travel and hotel expenses.

13. When any part of an event is in the open air it is obviously going to be affected by the weather conditions. Although in very rare circumstances would this have an effect on the event, if it does Lost Souls UK reserves the right to move the event into covered conditions. However, this is very rare and it is the responsibility of the client to ensure that they are wearing appropriate clothing and are protected against the weather. In the event of severe adverse weather conditions Lost Souls UK reserve the right to cancel an event. As much notice as possible will be given to guests prior to travelling to the event. However, if the weather is such that any member of the Lost Souls UK Team is unable to reach the event then Lost Souls UK will deem the event to be inaccessible and therefore cancelled. This may happen as late as guests travelling en route to the event. Lost Souls UK, will, however, endeavour to ensure that this is the last option taken and will always work towards the event going ahead as planned.

14. Lost Souls UK only use responsible and reputable mediums and paranormal investigators. However, they can only offer you their own perspective and this should be considered when deciphering information. You are responsible for making your own decisions about what you are experiencing and act according to your own beliefs not the beliefs of others. Lost Souls UK recognise that statements are the sole opinion of the medium, host, or investigator and not a reflection of Lost Souls UK policies and opinions. There are no guarantees in relation to what is truth and what may be an offered opinion.

15. Any information that we may receive from you or that is requested by us in relation to names, addresses, email addresses or contact telephone numbers is sensitive and will not be used for any purposes other than to be incorporated into our database for Lost Souls UK as per data protection laws.

16. We endeavour to offer a psychic element to our events through the use of mediums & psychics, however there may be occasions where this is not possible. If you are booking your event on the basis of a Medium being present then please contact the office on 07845635020 / 07463806758 for clarification prior to completing your order.

17. Lost Souls UK hold all their events at locations that have demonstrated paranormal activity witnessed and recorded by ourselves and others. It is impossible to guarantee what activity may occur during an event. This may be minimal or very intense resulting in injury to yourself or your clothing due to paranormal activity. Lost Souls UK accept no responsibility for whatever may occur as a result of any paranormal activity. It also accepts no responsibility if minimal or no activity is experienced on an event.

18. Lost Souls UK suggest that due to the lateness of the investigation you make arrangements that ensure you are not too tired to drive and perhaps book into a hotel or guest house prior to the event. Remember Tiredness Can Kill.

19. These terms and conditions are non-negotiable and your booking of an event demonstrates their acceptance by you, the client. These conditions and any contract into which they are incorporated shall be subject to English Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England.

20. Lost Souls UK will endeavour to ensure that your time spent at the location is fruitful and rewarding and between us we should all have an experience that will not be forgotten.

21. The use of cameras, filming and recording equipment is permitted on our events subject to limitations. Any footage caught is deemed to be for personal use only and not for public view and ownership of this footage either audio or visual belongs solely with Lost Souls UK. Before commencing video or audio capture you must advise anybody being recorded so that they are aware and have the choice not to be included.  This is to ensure that our guests, events and our locations are not compromised in any way. Failure to comply with this could lead to legal action being taken. You may be asked to sign a document during your event and some locations do have limitations for filming in order to ensure the enjoyment of all guests.

We can cancel a Lost Souls UK event at any time for any reason at our own discretion. We can particularly cancel an event if not enough customers have booked to make in financially viable to operate. If we have to cancel, we will tell you as soon as reasonably possible. In these circumstances we will give you a full refund of any money paid to us or move your booking to another event of your choice (within reason) but we will have no other liability whatsoever to you. This includes refunds on any hotel bookings or refunds on any travel arrangements or other costs incurred relating to the cancelled event.

It is your responsibility at the time of booking to ensure that you are able to make the event date as Lost Souls UK cannot offer a refund or transfer your places if you are unable to attend. Our locations are paid in advance and we are liable for these costs even if you cannot make the event. All payments are non-refundable and non-transferable. Deposit payment options will secure your place(s) on the event but the balance payment should be made no later than 4 weeks prior to the event. If the balance payment is not received by the due date, Lost Souls UK have the right to re-sell your places and retain any deposit payment already received.

We cannot put your places back up for sale on the website if you are unable to attend your event. However, if the ticket price has been paid in full your tickets can be transferred to a third party and where applicable you can advertise your tickets for sale on our Facebook Group Page. However, these tickets cannot be sold on any other advertising site due to the terms and conditions associated with them. Please note that Lost Souls UK accept no liability for any third party transactions made via this method nor will Lost Souls UK enter into any correspondence to help with this transaction.

All guests need to be directed towards Lost Souls UK Terms and Conditions and it will be deemed that the person(s) purchasing your tickets have been asked by you to ensure that the terms and conditions have been read and agreed by all concerned. Failure to do so will result in the guests not being allowed to enter the location.

We want all of our guests to enjoy our events and to feel safe at all times. We know that one disruptive guest can have an adverse effect on any event. We would therefore ask you to please read and agree to the terms set out in this policy and also to share this with those in your booking:

No disrespectful behaviour will be tolerated as this has a detrimental impact on the event and the other guests. Any behaviour deemed disrespectful or inappropriate will be dealt with swiftly and the person or people concerned will be removed from the event regardless of any transport difficulties or adverse weather conditions. ABSOLUTELY NO ALCOHOL OR DRUGS ARE TO BE CONSUMED PRIOR TO OR DURING THE EVENT. There is zero tolerance with this and any guest thought to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be allowed to take part in the event. We do not have to prove that you are under the influence but can act accordingly if we believe this to be the case.

We would be grateful if you could contact us as soon as possible to let us know if you are unable to attend an event, even if it is on the day of event so that we are aware that you will not be arriving and can inform our staff.
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